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Paul Hudson vs Tommy Troup (BGE, 2009)

This match was released by BG East in 2009 as part of Paul Hudson's Wrestler Spotlight. During this period Paul Hudson was one of the best technicians in the underground scene. His opponent, young and lean Tommy Troup, looks vulnerable but it's clear from the early exchanges that both of these guys are experienced pros.

Paul targets Tommy's back early and continues to attack it throughout the match.

Though Paul is able to maintain control, Tommy dishes out his share of punishment.

 When Paul comes back he wears down Tommy with bearhugs.

Tommy is opportunistic though and manages to snatch Paul in an innovative flying armbar submission.

Can Tommy overcome Paul's onslaught for the win?

Or is defeat inevitable for Tommy?

Regardless of the outcome, Tommy's performance is one of the great one match wonders at BG East, in my opinion. You can find the match here.


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