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Sting vs Big Van Vader: Part 3 (WCW, 1992)

At the end of last post, Sting was down for the mat after Vader squashed him with a couple elbowdrops. Vader continued his domination with a big splash. Vader went for a pin but Sting spun out.

Vader followed with a lifting choke and Sting's own finisher, the Scorpion Death Lock.

Sting was trapped for a long time but eventually muscled out of it.

Sting was too weak to follow up though and Vader resumed control with a big powerslam. Sting kicked out again.

Sting slumped in the corner and Vader wound for a punch but Sting blocked it and came back with a flurry of his own.

Sting ran the ropes and knocked Vader down with a flip kick.

Now, Sting is the one in control. Does he have enough energy to finish off Vader? Tune in next time for the conclusion.


  1. It's weird. Sting is a guy I feel like I should've been into, but I never liked him. I found him to be just really boring and one-note. Perfect for a picture story. Thanks for all the caps!

  2. Thanks for the comment. We all have our own tastes. To me, Sting ticked all the boxes as a babyface. He was good looking, had cool gear/facepaint and was fiery and athletic on offense and sympathetic on defense. His promos were a bit weak but he got better over time and he was always had good energy.


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