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Introduction + Braden Charron vs Bart Barron (BGE, 2007)


Hello, I am W.R., a lifelong pro wrestling fan and a fan of hot guys in general. This is me pictured below.

In this blog I will feature guys in scenarios which have captured my imagination. Hopefully they will capture yours as well.

Braden Charron vs Bart Barron

This match was released by BG East in 2007. Braden is as ripped as he's ever been. He looks amazing in his yellow speedo and white boots.

His opponent Bart is cute but only averagely built. From appearances this is a mismatch and it starts out that way with Braden gaining the advantage quickly with slams and a long held body scissor.

Braden arrogantly lets Bart have a free shot which costs him the advantage. Bart attacks Braden's throat, choking him on the ropes for a long time.

 Bart allows Braden to get to his feet but he's too dazed to defend himself. A sleeperhold puts Braden down for the count.

After a short pose break Bart continues to punish Braden with pec claws.

Braden manages to power out but is trapped in an inventive ab stetch variation.
Can Bart hold onto his advantage?
Or can Braden fight back for the win?
You can find the match here.


  1. Awesome awesome first post, W.R.

    Good luck and keep the hot pics coming!

  2. Wow. Braden looks really good getting all roughed up like that

    1. Yeah, it hasn't happened enough, in my opinion. I think Guido would be an ideal opponent for him.


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