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Nick Justice vs Kayden Alexander (W4H, 2017)

It begins with Kayden strapped to an X-Cross.  Kayden isn't concerned though, he has a smile on his face. Nick enters and is left aghast when Kayden calls him "an old fart."

Kayden continues to taunt Nick. "You're like what? 50?"

Nick responds with a big slap to the chest but Kayden is defiant. "Is that all you got, bitch?"

Nick pulls out a bottle of baby oil out of his pants, lathers up his hand and gives Kayden a big chop.

The chop hurt but Kayden liked it. "Harder", he said.

Kayden remained defiant throughout the match. No matter how much punishment Nick dished out, it was never enough.

I loved this match. True twinks are hard to find in underground wrestling and none are as spunky as Kayden. Nick contrasts his serious wrestling skills with an over the top performance, which is very entertaining.


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